Category: Basics
System Navigation
You can navigate system pages using one of the following methods: 1. Top Menubar This menu organizes system pages into the following categories: Dashboard: displays a summary of welding data using key performance indicators and statistics. Search: allows for efficient and fast searching of any system data. Data: provides access to adding information for areas, […]
Landing Page – Dashboard
Welding ManagerĀ© offers a comprehensive dashboard that displays statistics and charts related to system entities such as Areas, Lines, Joints, and Welders, as well as the ability to act on displayed reminders. Upon logging in, the dashboard screen is the first page users see, with six main panels that can be clicked to reveal various […]
Login to Welding ManagerĀ©
Welding ManagerĀ© is a web-based application that can be accessed remotely, eliminating the need for software installation on your device. Simply enter the server URL, along with your username and password, to log in. Once logged in, you can select the specific project you wish to access and manage. Note that your access and privileges […]